
It's our responsibility to provide you and your children a Green learning environment and products that you can trust. Our furniture products have met all safety requirements and offer the best qualities: Green and Safe. Kohburg meets and/or exceeds the following industry standards to promise our commitment to building Green and safe products:

U.S. Green Building Council

U.S. Green Building Council

A Washington, D.C. based nonprofit organization committed to a prosperous and sustainable future of the nation through cost-efficient and energy-saving Green buildings. The organization monitors the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible and healthy environment that improves the quality of life.


FSC COC (Chain-Of-Custody Certification)

FSC is the world's leading organization recognized by the UN and many environmental organizations (eNGOs), who always improve the standards of the responsible forest management, which is ecological, social and economic sustainability. Products carrying the FSC label are independently certified to assure consumers that the lumber used during production originates from forests that are managed to meet the standards of present and future generations.


ISO 9001 (Quality Management Standards)

ISO 9001 is a series of documents regulated by the International Standards Organization that define requirements for the Quality Management System (QMS) standard. An organization with an effective QMS will typically meet customer expectations better than an organization who's QMS is futile. Kohburg decided to implement ISO 9001, be audited and certified because we want to assure our customers that we have a highly effective QMS in place.


ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Standards)

ISO-14001 is the international specification for an Environmental Management System (EMS). It specifies requirements for establishing an environmental policy; determining environmental aspects and impacts of products/activities/services; planning, implementation and operation of programs to meet objectives and targets; and management review. At Kohburg, we implement our EMS to establish an organized approach to systematically reduce the impact of the environmental aspects which we can control.